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Sunday, January 2, 2011

December Pics and Memories

We went on the polar express with Claire, Frankie, Gavin and McKenna. Madeline loves riding on the top of the of the train, so we were up and down quite a bit. Madeline was very quiet when Santa came around, but he said he knew Maddie wanted a doll. How did he know?!!!

Sittin still is not for Maddie!

This picture of Dane was taken a few weeks after the others. He changed so much this month!

Our Christmas tree was mega tall, so the angel didn't go up super easily. In the meantime, she was on the chair and Mads loved playing with her. When it was time for the angel to go up on the tree, Maddie wasn't happy. It took her a while to agree that the top of the tree was the best place for her because she watched over us. It's hard to understand the video, but Maddie is telling us she wants her on the chair!