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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bye Bye Ba!

We had a bye bye ba party for Madeline in hopes that it would help her get over her ba addiction!   She started calling the paci a "ba" at a young age.  We never really figured out how and why she came up with it, but it stuck.  We let her have it for the Florida trip and then it was time to give it up.  The day of the party, the Newton's, Shook's and grammie and papo come over for brunch. She decorated a container and placed her ba's inside.  Then she put them in her closet and said bye to them forever!
She has done really well.  The first couple of naps and nights were a little tough for her, but she got over it.  The first night without it, she asked Matt, "Can I just look at them?"  She now says that baby's use them and she is a big girl.  She hasn't put Dane's ba's in her mouth either, which has really surprised me!

She didn't protest at all, and placed her ba's inside and ran upstairs to put them away.
She is ready to put them away in the closet with some help from daddy.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I sooo wish we could have been there for the party!! We are so proud of you Maddie!!!!! You are such a big girl!!