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Sunday, December 25, 2011

December Fun

`What a fun month it has been!  We have done so many fun things with the kids.  The holidays really are so special with them and we are enjoying every minute of it! 

Maddie wrote a letter to Santa and dropped it off in his special mail box.
Daddy, Maddie and Dane water the Christmas tree (Jingo) every morning together.
The kids love the manger sets and Dane "Moo's" when every time he sees one!
The kids went to story hour with Mrs. Claus at Yorktown Mall.
This picture makes me laugh!  The orange drink from McD's reminded me of my own childhood!  Just like I remembered it!
Dane likes to hang with the big girls!
Maddie likes egg nog...
Dane likes to climb onto the stool in the kitchen and see how he can help.  Maddie and I made some chocolate covered pretzels and she got sprinkles everywhere!  We were letting them harden and Dane wanted part of the action.  He was saying "CHOCOLATE" which I thought was hysterical.  When I taped it the first time, he changed his story.  I got the real deal on the second shoot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maddie sure looks good in blue jeans
Could you please lower the camara
So I could admirer her perfect little
Bottom she is perfect