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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Maddie's Friends

Maddie loves to sleep with a lot of "friends."  When she wakes up, she puts them in the bin and brings them with her.  We captured her in action one morning...

 So we don't forget their names, from L to R: Nikki (Addison named it), Cotton Tail (she won from coloring contest), Pink Bunny (Her #1 Fav. from Easter 2010), Katie (present from Cesta's on her 1st B-day), Melody (from Grammie and Papo at Easter).

There are many more friends that she loves and sleeps with, but these are the ones that she makes sure are there every single night!

1 comment:

Ami said...

So cute!! Her and Addy are SO much alike! Addy also has a group of 'friends' shemust sleep with every night! :)
