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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dane - 10 Months

Our boy is such a love!  He makes so many cute noises and wants to be a part of everything.  He eats, eats, eats!!!  He now weighs 17 1/2 lbs and is in the 5-10%, so the doctor is pleased.  He can stand, but doesn't seem too eager to walk. He is a speedy crawler and he needs to be watched every second.  Between him wanting to climb on everything and put everything in his mouth, we are always on guard!  He is getting more into books.  He will sit in our laps and lift the flaps - it took some time for him to get interested in them.  He loves playing with balls and still loves being held.  He also likes to show us his teeth and loves when we brush them.  He goes down well for naps and doesn't protest at all.  He is such a good little guy and we just adore him!

 We made banana bread with chocolate chips and Dane loved it!  It was still warm, so the chocolate got everywhere! 

 Dane loves to climb on Maddie's chair.  I love how happy he looks with himself in the picture below!

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