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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dane - 9 Months

Baa, Daa, Maaa - those are Dane's favorite things to say these days!  He crawls everywhere (Maddie is often right next to him crawling too) and he is as sweet as ever!  Maddie and Dane are becoming quite the little buddies.  Just last night we were driving home and they each had a lightweight blanket in their lap.  Maddie asked Dane "What are you going to do next with your blanket?"  When he would do something with it, Maddie would imitate and they both laughed and laughed.  This went on for a good ten min.  Dane prefers finger food over baby food for sure and there isn't a whole lot that he doesn't like.  He isn't a big napper - naps for around an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.  He is an early riser and seems to know when the sun is up.  He usually wakes up sometime in the 6 o'clock hour, but sometimes a bit earlier.  He goes down at 7:00 p.m.  It's always harder to stick to the schedule in the summer!!!  He has a mouth full of teeth!  The bottom three are in and the top 4 are poking through.  His mouth is very bumpy and they all seem to be coming in at the same time!

Here are his stats:
Weight - 16lbs. 14.5 oz (3-5%)
Length - 28" (almost 50th%)


We are working on fattening up our baby boy and he will need to go in next month to get weighed.  He eats A LOT, so I think he has the Welke metabolism!  The doctor said he is doing well and looks great, but something that we should watch. 

1 comment:

Kristin said...

So sweet with the blankets!!! The same thing happened with Ava's weight. I have to "beef her up" and come in in a month for her to be re-weighed! She eats a ton, she's just a peanut!