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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Maddie's Boo Boo's

Maddie's face was a bit scraped up at her Bye Bye Diaper Party.  Our little Maddie was at the lake the Saturday prior to her party.  She was fishing and having a great time.  She even caught a fish and was so excited about it.  A bit later, Maddie was fishing and she lost her balance.  She fell off the pier and landed on rocks in the water.  It was so scary.  I was RIGHT THERE, but couldn't catch her.  I pulled her up and Matt swept her up into his arms.  She had a bloody nose and needed to be cleaned and dried off.  She was excited that she got a popsicle and that made me feel better.  She took it like a trooper, but I was very drained after the "incident."

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