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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dane at 8 Months

Wow!  I can't believe that my little baby is growing up so quickly!  At 8 months, he started doing all sorts of "tricks!"  He stood in his crib (just shy of 8 months) for the first time and days later, he was crawling and walking with the help of furniture.  He is so fun and sweet and is simply all over the place!  Fortunately, he still loves to be held too, so I take advantage of that whenever I can!  He is a pretty good eater.  He loves rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas and applesauce.  He is hot and cold with veggies, but he keeps getting them! Sometimes I have to add some rice and milk to get him to eat them.  He also loves steak!  We had flank steak tonight and he could not get enough!

 Dane standing for the first time in his crib.  Maddie was there to greet him! :)
He has also gotten good at walking with the walker!

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