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Thursday, February 3, 2011

4 Months Old

Dane is 4 months old already!  It's hard to believe.  He is such a good baby and he is very mild mannered.  He was tongue tied at birth, but the doctors acted like it was no big deal.  After talking with Aunt Kristin and Uncle Joe (Addison and Ava were both tongue tied), we decided we wanted to get his tongue clipped.  Why risk possible speech problems later on?  We are so glad that we had it done.  It was a quick procedure and Dane didn't seem too bothered by it at all.  We have noticed him playing with his tongue a bunch now!  He is also quieter when he eats.  He is not waking up as much at night.  He goes down between 7:00 and 7:30 and wakes up around 2:00.  Then he will wake up again between 4:00 and 6:00.  We are going to introduce rice cereal with a spoon tonight!  Dane's favorite thing to do is go cheek to cheek.  He just loves it!

My two kiddos are very similar in growth.  The percentages seem a little off, but I just wrote what the nurses had on the sheet.  Odd that Dane is 1/4" shorter, but in the 50-75%, while Maddie was in the 95th%!  Close enough!

Dane's 4 Month Stats:

Weight - 13lbs 13 oz. (50%)

Length - 24 3/4" (50-75%)

Head - 41cm (25%)

Maddie's 4 Month Stats:

Weight - 13lbs 8 oz. (50%)

Length - 25" (95%)

Head - 40 cm (25%)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

He has already changed so much!! Love him so much! I am so glad that he is enjoying his little tongue and sleeping better for you! Maybe there is a difference in %'s in boys vs girls. Can't wait to see you guys SOON!!