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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Madeline's 1st Sickness

Madeline just wasn't herself over the past couple of days. She had an episode on Saturday that left her drenched in her own spit up. Unfortunately, this also occurred 2x on the flight home...all over her daddy. This kept on through Tuesday morning. Needless to say, we were very concerned about her. She went to the doctor and it turns out that Maddie lost 8 oz. since her visit over a week ago. She had an ultrasound to make sure that the valve in her stomach was working correctly. The ultrasound tech. had me worried and told me that things didn't look very positive on his end. When I met with the doctor, she told me that everything looked OK and she just had a stomach virus. We were VERY relieved. She should be herself again soon!

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