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Friday, December 9, 2016

A letter to my 8 year old...

Dear Maddie,

Wow have these 8 years flown by.  In some ways you seem so grown up, but in other ways, you are still my little girl!

You love being with your friends and you like being busy. I think you are very much like your dad in that way.  Your play  dates are usually with Arianna, Charlotte, Natalie, Brooke and Avery.  Rosie, Dylan and Karin are within walking distance and you'll walk down or check to see if one of them can play if you are free (which isn't often)!  You also love playing with your cousins in Park Ridge and in California.

You are in gumastics and that is your favorite.  You do handstands everywhere!  You've been dancing with Claire for the past few years and did spring and fall soccer.  You have a lot of core strength and can climb like a monkey, which is definitely your favorite animal! You are still very loyal to your little monkey, Mandy.  You make sure she is in bed with you every night, no matter where you are sleeping.

You are a very responsible girl.  You always do your homework and school is very important to you.  You love your teacher and you just love going to school.  I don't think I've ever heard you say that you don't want to go to school.  During the summer, you were counting the days until you could go back.  Your teachers have very nice things to say about you and it makes us so proud to have such a caring and kind young lady who is a friend to everyone.

You are in Girl Scouts and Indian Princesses.  You and dad are chief and chiefy dove, and you have both done an awesome job!  You have a lot of friends in both organizations and you love selling/going door to door, again, like your dad in that way.
You are super creative!  You  love art and creating things.  You play creatively and will set up a spa, pet shop and play school.  You are also my messy Maddie and organization is something I am trying to help you with!

We enjoy reading with you at night and cuddling up in bed before you fall asleep.  You always tackle dad when he goes to tuck you in at night.  My night routine with you is a bit calmer! :)
We are so proud of you, Madeline Grace.  You have shown us so much love and brought us so much joy these past 8 years.

May God bless you always,

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