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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Letter to My 6 Year Old

Dear Dane,
When I think about you over the years, much has remained the same for years and I love that about you.
You've always had a strong liking for sports and your style has always been sporty.  You love Purdue basketball, the Cubs and can get into any sport whether it be golf or swimming.  You memorize players names and numbers easily and have a great sports IQ.  You've been super fun to watch on the Hawks soccer team.  It's fun to see you go after the ball and you are way more aggressive out there than we thought you would be!  We know how hard you play against us, so it's fun to see you on the field with that same intensity.  You are also a good sport and pass to other players as well.  You often ask dad and I to play sports with you when we have some down time.  You earned your first sports award this past summer at Mike Small basketball camp - you were named Best Ball Handler and you got to show why in front of all the parents of the boys and girls in camp.  We were most proud of you for getting up in front of all of those people and doing the spider drill.  You don't like attention on you, so that was a big deal.  You are competitive and you like to win, but understand you lose sometimes.  You've shown great maturity when losing this past year.
You've been able to get along great with children older than you and make friendships rather easily.  You've enjoying making new kindergarten friends and knew everyone's names in your class very quickly.  You enjoy playing sports with your friends first and foremost and have gotten into wrestling with them too.  You and Allie still play well together and you love building forts, Legos and playing on the IPAD.
You are musical and can keep a beat well.  You learn songs really quickly and have a very sweet singing voice.  You can tell when others in the family are off key or off beat (we won't name names!) :)  You taught yourself how to play  the Star Wars theme song on the keyboard.
You pick things up quickly and you are always thinking.  You were super ready for kindergarten and are doing so well.  You are reading well on your own and it's something that you just picked up on your own although we've been reading to you since you were a baby.  Your kindergarten teacher says she keeps pushing you and you keep meeting her.  She says she hasn't pushed you all the way yet! :) You are always thinking about what could happen and sometimes you worry.  This is something that we are working on.
You also have a deep love for your family.  You look out for your sisters and prefer being with family over everyone else.  When dad or I have somewhere to go, you go out of your way to tell us bye, give us a hug and kiss and wave to us on the front porch.  You enjoy getting notes in your lunch box and when Maddie runs up to you when you arrive at school.
You are such a loving boy with such a sweet and caring heart.  You have no idea how much we love and adore you.  Thanks for being you.
Love always,

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