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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday Dane!!!

Dear Dane,

You continue to be our super special boy and we look forward to all of the new opportunities you will have as a 5 year old!  You adore your sisters and play well with Maddie and Emmie.  You and Maddie are creative together. You will put leashes on your stuffed animals and hold them over the stair railing to make them dance along with the keyboard.  You and Emmie are so silly together!  You love chasing each other around the house and she imitates all that you do!  You and daddy love to play and watch sports together.  You and I like to bake together and play games, whether they be athletic or board games, we always have fun.  You also play with Allie a lot and you two love being in school together although you are starting to make connections with other friends.  You love playing sports with the older neighborhood kids - especially baseball and basketball.  You are super interested in learning and you are very motivated to do what Maddie can do.  No doubt, you will be super ready for Kindergarten!  You've recently started a basketball class for 5 and 6 year olds and you love it! It's so cute seeing you out there with your arms up playing defense!  You know sports terminology, rules, players names and numbers.  It's a true interest to you!  You also like being a lefty and looking for players who are lefties just like you!  You are also doing choir and you have a sweet singing voice and can point out to daddy when he is off key or off beat!  We are still working on being ok with losing.  You don't like competitions because you don't want to lose, but I think you are getting better.  You are a sweet, sensitive boy and you don't like when your feelings or others feelings get hurt.  It's been an awesome adventure with you and we love you so incredibly much!!!

Love you forever,

 Dane sporting his new baseball helmet. It's been going everywhere with him!

 My handsome boy!  We love his "Dane Smile"
 He loves (along with everyone else) his new accordion!
 GOLDEN BIRTHDAY BOY!  Awesome balloon from the neighbors! :)

 We went to Moretti's for his birthday dinner.

 Dane's Purdue Tailgate, Park Ridge style!

Weight - 37.8 lbs. (29%)
Height - 42.5" (42%)
BMI 14.7 (25%)

Health Info. - Dane has been getting migraines and headaches for a while now.  We will be taking him to the neurologist in February.

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