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Friday, April 17, 2015

Emerson - 18 Months

Weight - 22lbs. 2 oz (43%)
Length - 31.5" (39%)
Head - 46cm (42%)

18 Months and FULL of spunk!  Emerson has an opinion and she will make it known.  She can be a riot and she enjoys making people laugh.  She loves to tell people hi, hello and bye.  She will also scream and throw a fit when she doesn't get her way.  She loves to sing songs, read books and will still cuddle up before she goes to sleep.  She wants to hang with the big kids and she thinks she is one of them.  She wants to do everything on her own and will often push us away if we go to help.  She still takes off her socks and shoes and throws them when in car seats and in her stroller.  She also throws her drinks and food, which drives me a bit crazy! (I seriously don't think she drinks enough because she loses her cup after it hits the floor twice.)  She still loves baths and showers. After swim lessons, Maddie and Emmie shower together while singing songs and doing a shower dance. It's so cute to see them in action.  She is a little busy body and loves to climb.  She will pull a bar stool over, climb up it, and get onto the counter - scary.  She will pull up on handrails and hang from whatever she can find to hang on.  She adores her cousin, Charlie, and calls him "Char Char." She also loves looking for our neighbors and will call out to "Ro Ro." I am curious to see how she will grow and progress.  At this rate, it's looking like she will be our little firecracker!!!

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