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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

10 Months Old!

We have a little mover and shaker!  Emerson loves to move and isn't happy when she is confined.  She puts everything in her mouth, so we need to watch her so closely.  She pulls up and scoots along the wall with ease.  She can go up the stairs very easily and she has a blast doing so.

Her top teeth are coming in!  She handles teething pretty well, although the top teeth seem to be a bit harder on her than the bottom two.  

Emerson is an eater!!!  I really think she eats more than her older siblings and she eats about everything we give her.  Her favorites are still strawberries and watermelon and she shoves them down super quickly. Her eating style reminds me of Maddie, whom was a very messy eater.  She loves to feed herself, so food ends up all over her, her chair and the floor.  I have been cleaning up a lot these days!   
Emmie has a new nickname....Baby Monster!  She gets into everything and is quick to destroy whatever Dane and Maddie are working on.  She dumps toys out of containers and pulls papers out of folders.  She loves to scream for fun and if she isn't getting what she wants.  Therefore, going out to eat has just gotten a bit more difficult with this one!  She can work her way out of a shopping cart since the buckles aren't the best.  She also has success standing up in restaurant high chairs.  This girl is keeping us on our toes!

Emerson enjoys stroller rides and LOVES to swing in the backyard and at the park.  She is into giving kisses, giving high 5's, blowing bubbles and making funny noises.  She also sings along if anyone starts singing.  She loves books and now picks out her favorites.  She likes lift the flap and touch and feel books.  When I read her one without flaps/touch elements, she protested and started reaching for a different book.  She loves to play and explore.

I say it all of the time, but she is growing up too fast.  We've enjoyed these last 10 months so much.  We continue to savor these sweet baby moments.

Emmie is over her Christening gown.  It was mine (or Laura's?) and it has been worn by Maddie, Ava and now, Emmie.

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