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Monday, June 9, 2014

5 1/2 Years Old

Maddie loves giving away free lemonade at her lemonade stand.  In addition, she gave away free lemon cookies.  Many neighbors and even some older boys came by and Maddie wasn't phased.  She had a lot of customers and she had a blast!
 Maddie being a helper girl :)
 Maddie celebrates her half b-day with a blue ice cream cone.  She was talking up her 1/2 birthday days ahead of time.  She was very excited!!
My Maddie girl is so super these days and I love having a little helper.  She adores her younger sibs and is definitely a little mommy to them.  She is also the first to help out when younger kids come over and she can entertain them all quite well.  She is a girly girl who loves to wear dresses and loves dressing up her AG dolls.  Maddie's NEW favorite color is blue and she likes to use it when making arts and crafts.  Maddie loves making new creations and has gotten quite good at drawing.  She has been taking piano lessons, doing dance, gymnastics, choir and a super sports class in addition to preschool.  Fortunately she enjoys all sorts of activities and her once shy side seems long gone.  She will now strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone.  She enjoys working in her kindergarten book as she loved the idea of homework over summertime.  In her own words, "This is cake!"  Maddie still loves putting on shows - dancing, magic, playing the keyboard - you name it.  She can have a dramatic and quite funny side.  She is still a bit messy - I am worried that this trait will be something that sticks around for a long time - eek!

She is definitely growing up, but has such a sweet innocence to her.  We are very proud of the sweet and caring girl she has become!!

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