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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Emmie 7 Months

 My littlest sweetie is 7  months old and so incredibly lovable!!  She is a great eater and isn't picky at all.  She is still working on crawling and has become very vocal.  When feeding she will motion for "more" which is super cute.  She is sleeping well at night and has been taking some longer naps when she actually gets to nap in her crib.  She rolls on to her side or tummy to get comfy and is out in just a few minuets.  She still loves to be held (yay!!!) and can entertain herself playing on the activity center or with toys on the floor.  This little one gets a lot of attention from her siblings and doesn't usually have to entertain herself for too long! She checks people out thoroughly and makes the cutest little faces.  She likes to observe and take it all in, much like her older siblings.  She also has two teeth coming in and they don't seem to bother her at all. We still aren't sure of her eye color and think she will end up with hazel, brown or green eyes.  She is a very good baby and her snuggles make me melt.  Simply put, I adore this little girl!

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