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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Emerson's 6 Month Stats

Weight - 13.5 lbs. (25%)
Length - 25 1/2" (25-50%)
Head Circ. 41.5" (25-50%)

Our little sweetie pie is so easy to love!  I can't believe she is already "a half" according to Maddie and Dane.  She is super easy as long as I am around her and I think she could be held all day long!  Sometimes she will go to others and sometimes she won't.  She does like to jump on her legs and is attempting to crawl without much success.  If placed on her back, she will push with her legs and move around the floor.  She loves her brother and sister and enjoys watching them.  When we attend story time, Emmie is quite interested in the other kids and the stories as well.  We usually get comments about her and how attentive she is during that time.  She loves to grab at everything and anything and is constantly being toted here and there.  She definitely naps in the stroller or car seat more than I would like to admit.  That being said, she is not a great napper (my fault), but is sleeping through the night most of the time.  She can sit, but it is only a matter of time until she flops over.  I can't get enough of her and am treasuring my time with her.

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