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Monday, December 2, 2013

A Letter To My Emmie Girl

Dear Emerson,

We are so overjoyed with your arrival into our family!  You can’t understand the amount of love we have for you.  You have been such a good baby.  Your dad and I weren’t sure if you were a boy or a girl, but I think we both thought that you just might be a boy.  (Many people I would run into out and about would tell me that I was having a boy, based on the way I was carrying you.)  During the first trimester, I thought you were a girl!  Maddie adores you and has been calling you her little goober girl.  Dane loves you too and talks to you in the sweetest voice.  He tells you, “You’re such a cute baby!”  Your cousins want to touch you and love to look at you.  You are the easiest little newborn and we love those few hours of the day when you are actually awake so we can look into your adorable eyes and talk to you.  You rarely cry, except when you are hungry. 

2 weeks old today!  Happy Halloween! You were a cute little Minnie Mouse today and had your first bottle.  Grammie stayed with you while daddy and I took the older kids trick or treating. 

4 week old today!  You are a dream baby!!! We all love you so so much.  We are starting to see smiles on your precious face.  You also have a bit of baby acne – you are just like your sister!!  We are taking pictures tomorrow, so you know how you looked at 4 weeks! J

6 weeks old on Thanksgiving!  You haven’t quite been yourself as I think you are thrown off being in a new place with A LOT of noise!  You spent your first Thanksgiving in Kokomo and met Uncle Joe, Ava and Nico for the first time.  We all took turns holding you and trying to soothe you.  I felt bad as you were so so so not your easy baby self!  We are so very Thankful for our Emmie girl – we count our blessings each day.

Safe to say that we love you like crazy.  You are such a joy, such a gift and we hope you always know how special you are.

Love you forever, 

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