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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

40 Week 5 day Update

Matt and I went in yesterday for an ultrasound, non-stress test and exam.  The baby is measuring around 8 lbs. - just under, actually.  However, they said Dane would be around 6.5 lbs., so I am not too convinced about that!  I am guessing at least 8.5 lbs.  The fluid levels were good and the placenta looks good, so no concerns there.  The baby was super active during the non-stress test.  It was actually entertaining watching the heart rate go up and down and watch the belly move like crazy.  The nurse and doctor said ours was by far the most active baby of the day by a lot!  Since everything looked good, the doctor said there was no reason to rush an induction unless we wanted to.  When I went in past due with Dane, they wanted to take him as they were worried about his small size.  We decided that we will wait a bit longer and hope the baby comes on his/her own.  The doctor thinks there is a good chance we won't make it until Monday.  I am between 1-2 cm and 50% effaced.  We scheduled an induction for Monday should the baby not come by then and they don't like to go much past 41 weeks.  As for me, I feel pretty decent.  I sleep well every other night, so every other day is pretty good!  My back is feeling it as well, but I know it won't be too much longer so I can handle it!!

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