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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

School Days

Maddie and Dane are officially in school!  Preschool, that is!  We dropped off supplies last week.  Dane was super excited and couldn't wait to use his Micheal Jordan backpack.  I let him pick out a backpack at the store and thought for sure he would end up with a typical little boy pack, (Spiderman, Superman, Diego, etc.) but as soon as he saw the Jordan one, he knew that was the one!

 Maddie and Dane with their teacher, Mrs. C. on supply drop off day.

Before daddy left for work, he gave the kids 3 rules on their first day:
1. Have fun
2. Have good manners
3. Be nice to all of the other kids
 Maddie wanted to wear her dress from Hawaii and wanted a little braid in her hair - easy enough!
 Dane, on the other hand, wouldn't wear what he called the "church outfit" that I picked out.  He was having a clothing melt down up in his room for quite some time.  He REALLY wanted to wear his Batman sweatshirt (it was in the 90's today) and then a whole bunch of other lovely choices.  He finally picked his anchor shirt and I went with it.  He came downstairs worn out and Maddie was very sweet towards him and told him that it was an exciting day and to be happy!
 Starting to come around...

They ended up having a great first day.  There are about 8 girls in the class and 2 boys.  Dane really liked the race cars and Maddie had fun at the art table.

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