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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lane Road...Down State

As children, our grandparents lived on a farm.  There was a long lane road that led to their house and I would get SO excited when it was my turn to drive.  On our last trip, we headed straight to see g-pa at the nursing home and we drove past the lane road.  I pointed it out to Matt with enthusiasm and he said, "Turn around!!!"  We had been in the car for quite some time, but we headed to the lane road and it brought back so many memories.  The home is no longer there, but I could envision it perfectly along with all of the good times spend there over the years.  Maddie was an excited little driver and Dane was chill.  I have a feeling this may become a tradition! :)  We had a nice trip with grandma and grandpa and we always enjoy seeing them.

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