We had Maddie's 18 month appt. last week (yes, a month late - whoops)! Here is where she is at:
Weight - 21 lbs 9oz. (5-10%)
Length - 32 1/2" (50-75%)
The days leading up the appointment, Madeline wasn't eating all that much, so I am sure she is up from that point. As the doctor said, "She is just like her daddy!" By looking at Madeline, most people think she is very tall for her age, but she isn't as tall as we would have thought. Everyone thinks Madeline is older thanks to her hair! :) She is also quite the talker, but is quiet when she is around new people.
Her Favorite Lines:
"Happy Daddy Day!" She has said this every single day since Father's Day!
"Here mommy for you!" She says this as soon as she doesn't want something anymore. Sometimes it is her sippy cup and other times it is an empty snack bag.
Animals where are you?" (Many other words replace animals depending on what she is looking for!) This has been a favorite since the beginning of summer!
"Creamies, stickies" when you go to change her diaper. The "stickies" is actually vasoline!
"Mommy's (or daddy's or Aunt Laura or etc.) here!"
Daddy - "What did you dream about Madeline?"
Maddie - "Baby Animals, Elmo and Katie." Those things are always definite and sometimes some other things come out as well!
Madeline loves to point things out that she sees at the grocery store and still loves going for walks and looking for hop hops, dogs, cats and babies.
Her eating is slowing down. I would still consider her a good eater, but she is much less consistent. You never know when she will actually eat a good meal! What she may love one day may not be touched the next day. But, one thing is for sure...she loves "grandpa's watermelon!" (When is it sliced into triangles, it is "grandpa's watermelon" as that is how he cuts it for her!)
Most of her teeth are in, but some are still working their way up through the gums.
She makes us laugh all of the time and we love her so much!