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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Happy 7th Birthday Dane!

Dear Dane,
Happy Birthday to my sweet 7 year old boy!  You have really matured a lot these past couple of months and we are so proud of you for so many reasons!  You have a very loving heart and have become a very good and thoughtful friend, brother, cousin and son. 
Last year you often struggled when leaving dad and I and this year that is not the case.  You are super sweet when we drop you off at school and give us a hug, wave and smile on your way into school.  When dad or I volunteer you seem so happy to have us there and always hug us and tell us you love us.
You have a lot of friends!  You seem to make friends super easily and we will often hear kids calling out to you wherever we go.   You got really close with your baseball team and many friends from your kindergarten class.  This year you added more friends and you like to play with everyone.  Your best friends are Conlin and Luca.  A new friend, Emmett, is someone that you enjoy playing with a lot this year.
You have such determination and when you put your mind to something – watch out!  This is especially apparent on the sports field and recently at track-a-thon at school.  You ran more laps than any other 1st grader and received the “most laps” again in your class just like you did last year. 
You love sports and have played soccer, basketball and baseball this past year and you enjoy them all.  You also love that dad is your coach.  Afterschool I always find you playing wall ball and football with the boys of all ages.  You just love to play!  You also love to watch sports as well and have a really good understanding of how it all works.  Your sports IQ exceeds mine already at this point.
You are very good at school and it comes easy to you.  You are strong in reading and math.  In the words of your teacher, “You work hard and play hard.”  You get along with everyone, you are kind to children adults and you pay attention and listen.  Mrs. Proenza had many nice things to say about you and we are super proud of you. 

Some of your favorites:
At school: Recess, Math
At home: Play Basketball and golf
Food: Guacamole, pizza
Sport: Football, Basketball, Golf, Baseball
Team: Blackhawks, Bulls, Purdue, Bears, Saints,
Movie: BFG, Pete’s Dragon
Show: Dude Perfect
Song: Downtown, I Like to Win, Believer, Thunder
Book: Minecraft, Stink series

Weight – 47.2 (30%)
Height – 47.75” (46%)
BMI – 15 (22%)
BP – 90/42

You love spending time with your family.  You are now fine when sitters come, but you prefer if Dad or I can put you to bed.  If we can’t you make sure we tell you “special things” before we leave.  You are super lovable and still have a little bit of feist from time to time.  When you clench your jaw tells us you are frustrated or tense.  It is happening less and less and you have pretty good control over your emotions.  Your headache and migraines have lessened as well so thinking that less worrying is helping you in that area.  You are turning into one awesome dude and we love you so so much. I would freeze this age if I could.  Big hug!!!
Love you forever and always. 

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