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Friday, October 18, 2013

Emerson Kate has Arrived!!!

I felt super good on Wednesday and had a lot of energy, so I thought something may have been brewing. Wednesday evening, Laura and I walked the kids to choir and then around Edison Park.  I felt good, but my back was feeling really sore.  I mentioned to Matt, half joking that maybe I was having back labor.  We went downstairs to watch a movie and I noticed that I'd been having mild contractions and must have had way too much water as the bathroom trips were numerous.  I think that Matt and I both knew something was up!  As soon as the movie ended we packed our bags, then decided we would try our best to get some sleep.  Unfortunately for me, the contractions were a bit too frequent and a bit too painful for that to happen.  I rested in bed until around 3:00, as laying down was no longer comfortable at that point.  I showered and waited and tried to keep my mind off how horrible I was feeling as the contractions were coming on strong and fast.  We called our parents at 4:00 - G-ma and G-pa left from Kokomo and my dad left to come to our house so the kiddos could keep sleeping.  I was in very active labor when we got the hospital a bit after 5:00 and the contractions were pretty much on top of each other.  I walked (I felt like I couldn't sit in the wheelchair) into labor and delivery and a team of nurses was there waiting for me.  I was at a 9, so they called the doctor, hooked me up and called the anesthesiologist.  Shortly after that, my water bag broke and I just felt like a big mess.  The nurses got a hold of the doctor and he told the nurses that he was on his way and to get the epidural to buy some time.  I was thankful, as one of the nurses made me think the epidural wasn't going to happen.  By the time the doctor arrived, the epidural had taken the edge off.  He got to business right away and said, "Well the baby can't get farther down unless it's out."  So on that note, the pushing began.  With the first push, the head was out.  On my next contraction, she was born.  I looked and said, "It's a girl!" right along with the doctor.  We felt like we had seen her before as she looked a lot like newborn Maddie.  We held her and fell instantly in love with our baby girl.

Her stats:
7 lbs. 15 oz.
Born at 6:27 a.m.

Since she was born so early in the morning, she had many visitors on her first day.  I was pretty out of it since I was so sleep deprived and had a rough couple of hours!!!  

 Kristin and Addison came for a surprise visit.  Addison and Emerson are birthday buddies - exactly 6 years apart - so cool!!!!
 Maddie and Dane love their little sister very much.  Maddie wants to hold her, touch her and can't get enough of her.

1 comment:

Luz Newton said...

Congratulations Welkes! She is stunning!