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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dane is 2!

Oh my sweet little boy is 2.  It seems like it has flown by, yet I feel like he has been in our family for much longer than 2 years!  He is such a good boy and he melts our heart every single day.  He adores his sister and does everything she does.  He is a very easy going little guy who loves to laugh, snuggle, run, play/watch sports - especially basketball, sing, be read to, play, ride his scooter and climb.  He is  a very loyal little Purdue fan who sings "Hail Purdue" all of the time.  He is very into sports.  He has been able to identify all the different types of balls for a few months now.  He can count to 20 (not always perfectly!), knows his colors and wants to do everything on his own.  In the words of Dane, "I do it!"  His favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He is still a pretty good eater, but has a bit of a sweet tooth!  He is on the small side and he fits best in 18 month old clothes.  He has very clear speech and can communicate all of his wants and needs quite easily.  He has been sleeping in a big boy bed for about two weeks now and is doing quite well.  He does need to be returned to bed quite often lately, but after a couple of times, he gives up and goes to sleep.  He still likes to study people and try to figure things out.  He has been a joy these past two years and we love him so very much.  Dane Brian Welke is such a blessing and a special little boy!!!

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